UNICEF Ukraine

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 The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO’s Constitution states its main objective as being to attain by all peoples high level medical care with an emphasis on finishing goals set out in Article 5 including improving mortality rates among children under5 years old and pregnant women which has been accomplished through many programs they have created or supported along these lines such things include providing prenatal vitamins. The WHO is an international agency that works to make sure all people have access and understanding of health care. They do this by working with countries across the world, training professionals in various fields related to public wellness & disease prevention through education programs such as ones offered at our university.

 The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a worldwide movement with over 97 million volunteers, members & staff who work in medicine to protect human life. The three entities of this organization have unique responsibilities but they all share some basic principles like protecting individuals from everywhere on Earth – even when there are differences between cultures or religions-and ensuring everyone has access fresh water at least once per day. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private humanitarian institution, founded in 1863. The 25 member-committee has unique authority under international law to protect life and dignity from armed conflicts that are recognized by their respective governments as being legitimate steps toward peace or rimfire cartridges for hunting purposes?

 The first two times this award was given it went explicitly towards preventing wars between nations but after World War II they instead focused more heavily on internal violence which caused them win three Nobel prizes by championships 1917 ,1944 & 1963.


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